30-Day Writing Challenge: Day 3

Kaycia S.
2 min readFeb 6, 2022

Prompt: What are you top three pet peeves?

I have more than three pet peeves but I’ll do my best due diligence to narrow it down to three. But before I get into it, I think it’s important to explain the kind of person I am. I believe in doing what’s right, even though the decision maybe difficult to face. I haven’t always succeeded but it is a standard that I try to uphold for myself. To make this easy for myself, I’m going to write pet peeves based on three categories: personal, work, and first-hand observations. But without further delay, here are my three pet peeves:

  1. Personal: I don’t like when people touch my things because more often than not they don’t put it back in it’s place.
  2. Work: Since the pandemic started and we’ve shifted to virtual via Zoom/ Google Hangouts, I loathe the troubleshooting process that happens while we are in a meeting. I know that there is nothing we can do but ugh, if there is a way to lessen that process I’d be grateful.
  3. Outside Observation: Being on the train in NYC is a show in itself and I have had my share of weird encounters but the think that absolutely boils my ovaltine is the lack of respect for the space we are sharing for the moment. I see this issue multiple ways like when someone takes who three seats or when they put their dirty shoes on the seats. It’s like don’t they care about the person who’s going to be sitting there after them, like I know they don’t but they should consider it.

Annnd those are my three pet peeves. If it resonates let me know what you think and if you made it this far. Thank you for reading!

As usual, I’m following the prompts from lifeentirely.wordpress.com .

